Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Youngest Female Billionaire in America-Lynsi Torres-she ROCKS!

Bloomberg tracks “secret billionaires”, and Lynsi Torres, who just turned 30 last year, is the new heiress to the In-N-Out burger chain. She will have full control when she turns 35, the company has no other owners, and the stores seem to sort of run themselves. She may be in the running to be the youngest female billionaire in the world.  

Granted, too many cheap burgers will kill anyone, but what the hell, she didn’t invent them. While she tries to stay out of the media, she apparently competes in race car driving. How frigging cool is that?  And, why didn’t I get left a restaurant chain….and why am I not a billionaire?  If I could list all the ideas my sis and I should have done, argg!! I think I’ll just slap myself in the face for not acting on them. Or, maybe I’ll just ponder this today, and then make some strides to become more of a billionaire. Maybe you should do the same…..or not, just go have a burgerJ



1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! Oh. And is there a reason for the name? In-and-out burger? Probably not. Love your posts. Keep it up! xoxoxo Lucy


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